ConnectWise Screen Connect Logo
ConnectWise Screen Connect Logo

ConnectWise Screen Connect

8.8 /10
ConnectWise Screen Connect
8.8 /10

What is ConnectWise Screen Connect?

Remote Support Software to deliver direct and fast service to customers manage desktops, mobile devices, and more on demand with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™ Support. Full, attended remote control capabilities that allow technicians to deliver direct and fast service to customers, anytime and anywhere, right from their device. They can swoop in to provide help desk-style services, including break/fix services, on the spot and on the fly, expediting ticket resolution and getting customers back to work faster.

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Awards & Recognition

ConnectWise Screen Connect won the following awards in the Remote Support category

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ConnectWise Screen Connect Ratings

Real user data aggregated to summarize the product performance and customer experience.
Download the entire Product Scorecard to access more information on ConnectWise Screen Connect.

92 Likeliness to Recommend

Since last award

100 Plan to Renew

88 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value

Since last award


Emotional Footprint Overview

+91 Net Emotional Footprint

The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.

How much do users love ConnectWise Screen Connect?

0% Negative
4% Neutral
96% Positive


  • Helps Innovate
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Enables Productivity
  • Unique Features

Feature Ratings

Average 91

Remote Control


Remote Support


Attended and Unattended Remote Access


Role-Based Access Controls


Real User Monitoring


Augmented Reality Remote Assistance




Audit Management


Web & Desktop Conferencing


Intelligence Reports


Vendor Capability Ratings

Average 88

Business Value Created


Quality of Features


Breadth of Features


Vendor Support


Ease of IT Administration


Usability and Intuitiveness


Ease of Data Integration


Ease of Implementation


Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement


Availability and Quality of Training


Ease of Customization


ConnectWise Screen Connect Reviews

Pooran C.

  • Role: Information Technology
  • Industry: Healthcare
  • Involvement: IT Development, Integration, and Administration
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted May 2024

Easy to use

Likeliness to Recommend

9 /10

What differentiates ConnectWise Screen Connect from other similar products?

Advanced Mobile Support Improved Cross-Platform Compatibility Enhanced Session Recording Features AI-Based Assistance More Robust Security Features Deeper Analytics and Reporting Tools Integration with Emerging Technologies Customizable User Interface

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

Advanced Mobile Support: While ConnectWise Control offers mobile device support, expanding capabilities to include more advanced features such as remote camera access, on-screen annotations, or expanded mobile OS support could improve usability and troubleshooting on mobile devices.

What do you dislike most about this product?

The filtering system sometimes lacks consistency, as there are instances where specific details fail to appear when we attempt to filter tickets. Improvements to the filter system could enhance overall efficiency.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

I recommend this tool for managing ticket flow effectively and ensuring timely delivery of solutions to clients.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing

Adriana J.

  • Role: Information Technology
  • Industry: Media
  • Involvement: End User of Application
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Apr 2024

It allows us to help and support others

Likeliness to Recommend

9 /10

What differentiates ConnectWise Screen Connect from other similar products?

What makes it so useful is that it gives me the opportunity to refine my approach to developing a distinctive and first-class method of managing support. It has certainly enhanced my ability to help customers and resolve any problems they may have.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

We have relied on ConnectWise Control to help my customers and resolve any issues they might have since we started building our customer base. With an increasing number of customers on hold and the only phone support available, it was getting more difficult every day.

What do you dislike most about this product?

The interface is not as fluid and there are control issues when using the support function, a disadvantage that ConnectWise offers us.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

Once we made the decision to invest, our experience took a significant leap forward. All companies, no matter how big or small, need support, and we have completed many projects at a sufficient pace and independent of the tasks that need to be done continuously.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Enables Productivity
  • Role: Information Technology
  • Industry: Technology
  • Involvement: IT Development, Integration, and Administration
Validated Review
Anonymous Reviewer

Submitted Mar 2024

Features are great

Likeliness to Recommend

10 /10


  • Enables Productivity
  • Trustworthy
  • Unique Features
  • Effective Service

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