Netpeak Spider Logo Award Winner Product Badge
Netpeak Spider Logo Award Winner Product Badge
Netpeak Software

Netpeak Spider

Composite Score
8.1 /10
CX Score
8.2 /10
Netpeak Spider
8.1 /10

What is Netpeak Spider?

Our SEO crawler will find broken links and images, check for duplicate content: pages, texts, duplicate title and meta description tags, H1s. You can spot these grave website SEO issues as well as dozens of others in just a few clicks.

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Awards & Recognition

Netpeak Spider won the following awards in the Search Engine Optimization category

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Netpeak Spider Ratings

Real user data aggregated to summarize the product performance and customer experience.
Download the entire Product Scorecard to access more information on Netpeak Spider.

Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.

92 Likeliness to Recommend

Since last award

100 Plan to Renew

85 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value

Since last award


Emotional Footprint Overview

Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.

+96 Net Emotional Footprint

The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.

How much do users love Netpeak Spider?

0% Negative
0% Neutral
100% Positive


  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Enables Productivity
  • Unique Features

Feature Ratings

Average 86

On-Page Tracker/Optimization


Analytics and Reporting






Competition Analysis


Local SEO


Backlink Tools


Content Optimization


Rank Tracking


Keyword Research


Vendor Capability Ratings

Average 85

Breadth of Features


Usability and Intuitiveness


Quality of Features


Vendor Support


Ease of Customization


Ease of Implementation


Business Value Created


Ease of Data Integration


Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement


Ease of IT Administration


Availability and Quality of Training


Netpeak Spider Reviews

Sanjay S.

  • Role: Sales Marketing
  • Industry: Technology
  • Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Oct 2024

Best Tool to Check SEO Errors

Likeliness to Recommend

8 /10

What differentiates Netpeak Spider from other similar products?

It's very easy and simple to have quick technical and onpage SEO audit of website. I can check the crawling status of all the website pages. show me indepth SEO analysis of website that's make this tool very best

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

This tool takes second to show indepth analysis of website like 404 error, canonical issue, mera tags, broken links and more.

What do you dislike most about this product?

simple to use, nothing to say about dislikes of this tool.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

Get quality analysis of website with the advance technology.


  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Trustworthy

.Kim M.

  • Role: Information Technology
  • Industry: Technology
  • Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Jun 2024

Lots of great features, easy to use

Likeliness to Recommend

8 /10

What differentiates Netpeak Spider from other similar products?

Netspeak Spider has a a lot of emphasis on technical SEO audits, includingi identifying website and coding issues.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

Netpeal Spider has a lot of advanced reporting mechanisms which makes it clearn what needs fixing or adjusting.

What do you dislike most about this product?

Netpeak Spider is only good for on-page analysis and statistics, not as good for mainstream organic SEO analysis and data visualization.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

If you want on-page optimization cosider Netpeak Spider first and foremost. The product is very good for improving on-page ranking factors including content optimization.


  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Enables Productivity

Negar Z.

  • Role: Sales Marketing
  • Industry: Education
  • Involvement: End User of Application
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Mar 2024

Wide range of features for SEO analysis.

Likeliness to Recommend

8 /10

What differentiates Netpeak Spider from other similar products?

Netpeak can dive deep into the intricacies of your website’s backlink structure, offering a granular view of both internal and outbound links.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

I can easily identify source URLs and link type and even highlight internal link characteristics for further improvement.

What do you dislike most about this product?

Data import and implementation takes time.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

To use this product after checking some tutorials, and it can give you a wide range of SEO analysis tools.


  • Reliable
  • Enables Productivity
  • Unique Features
  • Efficient Service

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