Business Intelligence & Analytics - Midmarket (BI) Tools

Business Intelligence & Analytics - Midmarket

What is Business Intelligence & Analytics - Midmarket Tools?

Business Intelligence (BI) software provides the tools to transform data into actionable insights that inform an organization's strategic and tactical business decisions. BI tools will integrate data into compelling visualizations, provide transparency throughout the organization, and track key business metrics for decision makers enabling better decision making. Successful Business Intelligence and analytics deployments provide direction and requirements for data warehousing and data integration, and paves the way for predictive analytics, big data analytics, market/industry intelligence and social network analytics. The best BI deployments recognize the varying levels of analytical skills among users and make use of tools and training that support both the novice as well as the data scientist.

Data collected from reviewers in: organizations with fewer than 5,000 employees.

Common Features

  • Mobile
  • Dashboard
  • BI Security
  • Self Service and Ad Hoc Capabilities
  • BI Platform Administration
  • Collaboration
  • Operational Reporting Capabilities
  • Data Connectors and Data Mashup
  • Intelligent Alerts and Notifications
  • Data Exploration and Visualization

Top Business Intelligence & Analytics - Midmarket (BI) Tools

2024 Data Quadrant Awards

2023 Emotional Footprint Awards

At SoftwareReviews, we take pride in recognizing excellence. Each year, we present the Data Quadrant Awards to top-performing software products based solely on authentic user reviews, without any paid placements or analyst opinions. These awards highlight software products that excel in terms of features, vendor capabilities, and customer relationships, earning them the highest overall rankings.

At SoftwareReviews, we take pride in recognizing excellence. Each year, we present the Emotional Footprint Awards to top-performing software products based solely on authentic user reviews, without any paid placements or analyst opinions. These awards shine a spotlight on software vendors who excel in crafting and nurturing strong customer relationships.

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Products: 7
Next Award: Jan 2025